The Week in Review: 10/05/18

This week has mainly been a continuation of last week. Right now, we are still waiting to hear more about the Brett Kavanaugh nomination. Throughout the week, the FBI has been investigating the sexual assault allegations against Kavanaugh. While this has been happening, tensions have clearly been rising throughout the country, and soon we will know whether or not there is enough concern to not appoint him to the Supreme Court.

In addition to Kavanaugh, there's been even more news recently. Earlier, a Chicago cop was convicted for a high-profile murder that took place three years ago. And, there is now a possible salmonella contamination that certain parts of the country have to watch out for.

The week wasn't all sad and gloomy, there were some pretty positive moments too. Last week, I spoke about how the Duchess of Cambridge's first official appearance since March was announced, and this week she carried it out! The palace has also announced more upcoming events for the duchess, so we can expect to see more of her, something I'm excited about! I also had an emotional week, saying goodbye to New York Mets player, David Wright. He played his last game on Sept. 29, and it was hard not being able to be there to root on a player who I grew up watching and cheering on for years. While it was personally hard for me to know I will never see him play again, I'm glad he got to say farewell on his own terms.

Picture of the Week:
Protesters outside court holding signs, one saying: SUSAN COLLINS DON'T BETRAY WOMEN, VOTE NO.

Protesters outside the Supreme Court in wake of Kavanaugh vote. (taken from BBC)

Here are five stories to keep you in the know:

1. Protests have been ensuing in the midst of the vote to appoint Kavanaugh to Supreme Court Justice.

2. Chicago police officer Jason Van Dyke convicted of 2014 murder of African-American teen, Laquan McDonald.

3. Duchess of Cambridge visits Paddington Recreation Ground in first official public appearance since going on maternity leave.

4. David Wright bid farewell as he played his final game for the New York Mets.

5. A potential salmonella contamination prompts company to recall 6.5 million pounds of beef.

“I can’t thank everybody enough. It hit me right in the heart when I took the field the first time and heard the fans cheering. That is something that I’ll always remember. Tonight was just so truly special.” -David Wright on his last game (taken from Daily News)


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