
Showing posts from September, 2018

The Week In Review: 9/28/2018

This week has been quite chaotic here in the U.S. One of the biggest news stories making headlines has been the sexual misconduct allegations about Brett Kavanaugh. Dr. Christine Blasey Ford recently testified about the alleged sexual assault, and many have come out to show their support for her story. Not only has this hearing drawn attention about sexual assault, but this week has had some other key stories involving sexual assault as well. While the Kavanaugh hearings have been occurring, celebrities have been telling their stories about why they didn't report being sexually assaulted. The new #WhyIDidn'tReport movement has started, and not only have celebrities been sharing their personal experiences, but other sexual assault survivors have come out as well. And, while we wait to see how the country handles these allegations of sexual assault, we finally saw justice for survivors who have been assaulted by Bill Cosby, as he has just been sentenced to jail. The whole wee